Django Applications

You can easily build a server-side application by using an APIMAS backend. Currently, the only backend supported is apimas-drf which is uses django rest framework to build REST APIs on top of a django application.


In a virtualenv, run the following command to install apimas-drf:

pip install apimas-drf

Quickstart-Create a django application

At this point, we assume that you are familiar with django basic concepts and have some experience with developing django applications.

Starting point

As a starting point, you have to define your django models. Based on your models and your specification, APIMAS will create the classes implementing the application’s REST API.

According to the guide in section, you can specify a collection of resources named foo, where all REST operations are allowed:

    'api': {
        '.endpoint': {},
        'foo': {
            '.collection': {},
            '*': {
                'text': {
                    '.string': {}
                'number': {
                    '.integer': {},
            'actions': {
                '.list': {},
                '.retrieve': {},
                '.create': {},
                '.update': {},
                '.delete': {},

Given the specification above, you have to create the corresponding django-model in the project’s file.

from django.db import models

class Foo(models.Model):
    text = models.CharField(max_length=20)
    number = models.IntegerField()

Enrich APIMAS specification

In order to link the specification of the collection to the django model you have to declare ‘foo’ as a django rest framework collection and text and number as fields, using the predicates .drf_collection and .drf_field, respectively:

     API_SPEC = {
    'api': {
        '.endpoint': {},
        'foo': {
            '.collection': {},
            '.drf_collection': {
                'model': 'myapp.models.Foo'
            '*': {
                'text': {
                    '.string': {},
                    '.drf_field': {},
                'number': {
                    '.integer': {},
                    '.drf_field': {},
            'actions': {
                '.list': {},
                '.retrieve': {},
                '.create': {},
                '.update': {},
                '.delete': {},

In the above example, we introduced two new predicates which are not included in the APIMAS standard predicates: a) .drf_collection, b) .drf_field. These predicates are understood only by the django-rest-framework backend, which is responsible for implementing this specification.

Set permissions

APIMAS provides a mechanism for setting the permissions of your application. You can read more in a next section. However, for this tutorial, we omit the description of this mechanism. Thus, you have to add the following configuration on your specification.

     API_SPEC = {
    'api': {
        '.endpoint': {
            'permissions': [
                # That is (collection, action, role, field, state, comment).
                ('foo', '*', 'anonymous', '*', '*', 'Just an example')
        'foo': {
            '.collection': {},
            '.drf_collection': {
                'model': 'myapp.models.Foo'
            '*': {
                'text': {
                    '.string': {},
                    '.drf_field': {},
                'number': {
                    '.integer': {},
                    '.drf_field': {},
            'actions': {
                '.list': {},
                '.retrieve': {},
                '.create': {},
                '.update': {},
                '.delete': {},

This tells APIMAS, that an anonymous user can perform any action (‘*’ on 2nd column) on collection ‘foo’, associated with any field (‘*’ on 4th column) and any state (‘*’ 5th column). The last column is used to write your comments. More about permissions can be found here.

Use DjangoRestAdapter

Then, APIMAS will create all required code using DjangoRestAdapter class. In particular, DjangoRestAdapter will create the mapping of URL patterns and views (urlpatterns). This mapping is specified specify on your URLconf module (typically, the file on your django-project).

For example, in file:

from apimas.drf.django_rest import DjangoRestAdapter
from myapp.spec import API_SPEC

adapter = DjangoRestAdapter()

urlpatterns = [

Now, you are ready to test your application, by running:

python runserver

You can make some testing calls using curl. For example, create a new resource object

curl -X POST -d '{"text": "foo", "number": 1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8000/api/foo/
    "number": 1,
    "text": "foo"

or, retrieve an existing one:

curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/api/foo/1/
    "number": 1,
    "text": "foo"

django-rest-framework adapter

So far, we have seen a short tutorial on using APIMAS to create a django application. We easily created an application which served a REST API, by only defining the storage django-models) and the view (APIMAS specification, i.e. API representation) representation of our application. Typically, apart from the django-models, a django-developer has to create the corresponding django forms and views in order to map url patterns with implementation. Hence, for a typical example a developer has to make the following classes:

from django.db import models

class Foo(models.Model):
    text = models.CharField(max_length=30)
    number = models.IntegerField()

from django import forms
from myapp.models import Foo

class FooForm(forms.ModelForm):

    class Meta(object):
        model = Foo
        fields = ('number', 'text',)

import json
from django.http import HttpResponse
from myapp.forms import FooForm

def view_foo(request):
    form = FooForm()
    return render(request, 'path/to/template', form)

Even when using django-rest-framework which facilitates the development of the REST API, the developer typically has to create boilerplate such as:

from rest_framework import serializers
from myapp.models import Foo

class FooSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):

    class Meta:
        model = Foo
        fields = ('number', 'text')

from rest_framework import viewsets
from myapp.serializers import FooSerializer
from myapp.models import Foo

class FooViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    serializer_class = FooSerializer
    queryset = Foo.objects.all()

Even though in the above examples things seem to be easy, the management of such an application may become cumbersome if more entities are introduced or the complexity of data representation of an entity is increased, e.g. if we have an entity with 30 fields, and each field behaves differently according to the state of the entity (e.g. non-accessible in read operations).

As already mentioned in a previous section, APIMAS provides a way to describe your application and its data representation on a document. The django-rest-adapter reads from the specification and it translates the description of your application into implementation. The django-rest-adapter uses django-rest-framework behind the scenes and generates at runtime the required rest_framework.serializers.Serializer (responsible for the serialization and deserialization of your request data) and rest_framework.viewsets.ViewSet classes according to the specification.

In essence, your application consists of your storage and API representation, and each time, you want to change something on your API representation, you simply refer to the corresponding properties of your specification.

django-rest adapter’s workflow

The django-rest adapter creates the corresponding mapping of url patterns to views based on the storage and API representation of your application. Therefore, for a typical application we have the following work flow:

  • In a list operation (GET <collection name>/), the list of objects included in the model associated with the collection, is retrieved.
  • In a retrieve operation (GET <collection name>/<pk>/), a single model instance is displayed based on its API representation.
  • In a create operation (POST <collection name>/), sent data are validated, and then a model instance is created after serializing data.
  • In an update operation (PUT|PATCH <collection name>/pk/), sent data are validated, serialized, and the new values of model instance are set.
  • In a delete operation (DELETE <collection name>/pk/), a model instance, identified by the <pk> is deleted.

Customize your application

If the default behaviour above does not suit the application, you are able to customize and extent it by adding your own logic. Specifically, APIMAS provides two hooks for every action (before interacting with the database and after) for extending the logic of your application or executing arbitrary code (e.g. executing a query or sending an email to an external agent). You can do this as follows:

from apimas.drf.mixins import HookMixin

class RestOperations(HookMixin):

    def preprocess_create(self):
        # Code executed after validating data and before creating
        # a new instance.

    def finalize_create(self):
        # Code executed after creating the model instance and
        # and before serving the response.

If you want to customize the behaviour of your application in other actions, you simply have to add the corresponding methods to your class, e.g.

  • preprocess_<action_name>(self) (for executing code before interacting with db)
  • finalize_<action_name>(self) (for executing code before serving the response and after interacting with db).

Customize your application - A simple case scenario

Imagine that we have the following model:

from django.db import models

class Foo(models.Model):
    text = models.CharField(max_length=30)
    number = models.IntegerField()
    another_text = models.CharField(max_length=30)

and the API specification for this model:

    'api': {
        '.endpoint': {},
        'foo': {
            '.drf_collection': {
                'model': 'myapp.models.Foo'
            '*': {
                'text': {
                    '.string': {},
                    '.drf_field': {}
                'number': {
                    '.integer': {},
                    '.drf_field': {}
            'actions': {
                '.list': {},
                '.retrieve': {},
                '.create': {},
                '.update': {},
                '.delete': {}

In the above example, the field another_text is not exposed to the API, but its value is computed by the server based on the values of text and number. Therefore, in this case, you may write your hook class like below:

from myapp.mymodule.myfunc

class RestOperations(HookMixin):
    def preprocess_create(self):
        context = self.unstash()
        another_text = myfunc(context.validated_data['text'],
        self.stash(extra={'another_text': another_value})

Here we get the context of the action via the self.unstash() method, then we compute the value of another_text according to some application logic, and finally, we tell APIMAS (self.stash()) that it should add extra data to the model instance (another_text), in addition to those sent by the client. self.unstash() returns a namedtuple with the following fields:

  • instance: Model instance to interact.
  • data: Dictionary of raw data, as sent by the client.
  • validated_data: Dictionary of de-serialized, validated data.
  • extra: A dictionary with extra data, you wish to add to your model.
  • response: Response object.

Note that in some cases, there are some context fields that are not initialized. For instance, in the preprocess_create() hook, instance is not initialized because model instance has not been created yet.

The last part is to declare the use of the hook class. You have to provide an argument to the hook_class parameter of the .drf_collection predicate.

'foo': {
    '.drf_collection': {
        'model': 'myapp.models.Foo',
        'hook_class': 'myapp.hooks.RestOperations',
    # spec as above.

Write django-rest-framework code

As we have already mentioned, django-rest adapter generates dynamically two classes: a) a serializer class, b) a viewset class according to the specification. If you still wish to customize and override these generated classes, APIMAS provides various ways to do that:

  • Override these classes with your own classes.
  • Add additional attributes.

There are two primary reasons to do this:

  • django-rest adapter has not abstracted the full functionality of django-rest-framework yet.
  • You may have reasons to override the internal functionality of django-rest-framework.

Below, we describe two common cases when you need to write django-rest-framework code.

Deal with structures

In your API, you may have structural fields, that is, all fields characterized as .struct or .structarray. django-rest-framework backend does not support write operations, because they are read-only by default. Hence, if you want to be able to perform write operations on these fields, you have to override the create() or/and update() methods, provided by each serializer class.


from rest_framework.serializers import BaseSerialzer

class MySerializer(BaseSerializer):

    def create(self, validated_data):
        # Your code

    def update(self, instance, validated_data):
        # Your code.

Then, in your specification, specify the following parameter in .drf_collection predicate:

'foo': {
    '.drf_collection': {
        'model': 'myapp.models.Foo',
        'model_serializers': ['myapp.serializers.MySerializer'],
    # spec as above.

model_serializers tells APIMAS that the classes specified should be base classes for the generated serializer class, which are placed to the lowest level of the inheritance hierarchy. Therefore, in the above example, the hierarchy of the generated class is as follows:

digraph foo {

"BaseSerialzer" -> "MySerializer" -> "GeneratedSerializer";

If you specify more than one classes on your model_serializers, then the classes on the right will inherit the classes on the left.

Further information about writable structure fields can be found in the official documentation of django-rest-framework, here.

Add more actions to your API

You can have additional actions to your API apart from the CRUD ones you declare in the specification. For example:

POST foo/1/myaction/

To implement myaction you need to write your own ViewSet class that includes a method with the action’s name. For instance:

from rest_framework.decorators import detail_route
from rest_framework.viewsets import GenericViewSet

class MyViewSet(GenericViewSet):

    def myaction(self, request, pk):
        # My code.

Next, you need to include the module path of your ViewSet mixin class in the mixins parameter of your .drf_collection predicate. APIMAS will inherit from your class and the extra action method will appear in the generated final ViewSet class.

'foo': {
    '.drf_collection': {
        'model': 'myapp.models.Foo',
        'mixins': ['myapp.mixins.MyViewSet'],
    # spec as above.

You can find more information about extra actions here.


Specifying bases and mixins for the generated viewse class enhances the resusability of your code. For instance, you may have a custom ViewSet class which is shared amongst all your collections. Instead of copying the same code over and over across different hooks, you can declare a common mixin for all of them within your specification.

django-rest-framework fields

By default, the django-rest adapter reads all REST resource properties predicated with .drf_field and tries to map each of them to an attribute or function on your django model. It is not necessary to have 1 to 1 mapping between your API and storage configuration. For instance, you may want to:

  • expose a field with different name as that specified in your model.
  • define fields in your API which are not intended to be stored in your db.
  • create responses with arbitrary structure.


Define the name of source field explicitly

In this example, we create an api_text property on a REST resource that is mapped to a differently named text field on a django model, using the source parameter of the .drf_field predicate:

from django.db import models

class Foo(models.Model):
    text = models.CharField(max_length=30)
    number = models.IntegerField()
'foo': {
    '.drf_collection': {
        'model': 'myapp.models.Foo',
    '*' {
        'api_text': {
            '.string': {},
            '.drf_field': {
                'source': 'text'
        'number': {
            '.integer': {},
            '.drf_field': {},

Use non-model fields

You can create REST resource properties that are not mapped to any of the django model fields. In the following example, we add a string property named “extra_field” to our specification that is not to be saved to or retrieved from the model, by specifying onmodel: False to the .drf_field predicate.

'foo': {
    '.drf_collection': {
        'model': 'myapp.models.Foo',
    '*' {
        'api_text': {
            '.string': {},
            '.drf_field': {
                'source': 'text'
        'number': {
            '.integer': {},
            '.drf_field': {},
        'extra-field': {
            '.string': {},
            '.drf_field': {
                'onmodel': False,

A non-model property is validated but there is no automatic handling of it during write actions. You have to handle it via the hooks provided by APIMAS.

When processing read actions such as list or retrieve, the django-rest adapter will seek to call a function to extract the value of non-model properties since there is no model for them. If you want non-model fields to be readable, you must provide an argument to the instance_source parameter on the .drf_field predicate. The parameter is enabled only when onmodel is False. instance_source must be the module path of a function that accepts a model instance as input and returns the property value.

def myfunc(instance):
    # Code which retrieves the value of a non-model field based on
    # the instance.
    pk =

    # Open a file, identified by the pk of the instance and
    # extract the desired value.
    with open('file_%s.txt' % (str(pk)), 'r') as myfile:
        data =
    return data
'foo': {
    '.drf_collection': {
        'model': 'myapp.models.Foo',
    '*' {
        'api_text': {
            '.string': {},
            '.drf_field': {
                'source': 'text'
        'number': {
            '.integer': {},
            '.drf_field': {},
        'extra-field': {
            '.string': {},
            '.drf_field': {
                'onmodel': False,
                'instance_source': 'myapp.mymodule.myfunc'

Create structured responses

Apart from the things already mentioned, one additional reason for having non-model fields is to create responses with arbitrary structure. For instance, instead of returning the following response:

    "text": "foo",
    "number": 10

you wish to return this:

    "data": {
        "text": "foo",
        "number": 10

Your django-model is not aware of the node “data”. Therefore, you need to format your specification as:

'foo': {
    '.drf_collection': {
        'model': 'myapp.models.Foo',
    '*' {
        'data': {
            '.drf_field': {'onmodel': False},
            '.struct': {
                'api_text': {
                    '.string': {},
                    '.drf_field': {
                        'source': 'text'
                'number': {
                    '.integer': {},
                    '.drf_field': {},

where node “data” is a structured non-model property consisting of model fields “api_text” and “number”.


All fields on a model must be exposed to the same REST location. They must not be scattered among different nodes in the specification.

APIMAS permissions

APIMAS implements a built-in mechanism for setting permissions to your server-side application. The permissions of your application consist of a set of rules. Each rule contains the following information:

  • collection: The name of the collection to which the rule is applied.
  • action: The name of the action for which the rule is valid.
  • role: The role of the user (entity who performs the request) who is authorized to make request calls.
  • field: The set of fields that are allowed to be handled in this request (either for writing or retrieval).
  • state: The state of the collection which must be valid when the request is performed.
  • comment: Any comment for documentation reasons.

Set permission rules

Consider the following example rule:

rule = ('foo', 'create', 'admin', 'text', 'open', 'section 1.1')

The rule indicates that a request for the collection foo, which is asking to create a new resource, and is issued by an admin, is allowed to create a text property when the collection is in an open state. section 1.1 is a comment made by the developer and it is ignored.

To enable writing another field number, write one more rule:

rule = ('foo', 'create', 'admin', 'text', 'open', 'section 1.1')
rule2 = ('foo', 'create', 'admin', 'number', 'open', 'section 1.1')

or write a pattern to match the two properties:

rule = ('foo', 'create', 'admin', 'text|number', 'open', 'section 1.1')

Supported APIMAS operators for matching are:

  • *: Any pattern.
  • ?: Pattern indicated by a regular expression.
  • _: Pattern starts with the given input.
  • !: NOT operation.
  • &: AND operation.
  • |: OR.

For example, the following rule reveals that an admin or a member (‘admin|member’) can perform any (‘*’) action any on collection starts wit ‘foo’ (‘_foo’), provided that they handle fields matched with a particular expression (‘?ition$’) and the state is ‘open’ and ‘valid’ at the same time (‘open&valid’).

rule = ('_foo', '*', 'admin|member', '?ition$', 'open&valid', 'section 1.1')

The set of your rules must be declared in your specification as a parameter to the .endpoint predicate.


    'api': {
        '.endpoint': {
            'permissions': [
                ('foo', 'create', 'admin', 'text', 'open', 'section 1.1'),
                # More rules...

APIMAS permissions – Roles

In order to check against the roles specified in permission rules, you have assign to roles to an authenticated user by setting them as a list of strings named apimas_roles on your user instance as in:

request.user.apimas_roles = ['admin', 'dev']
class User(models.Model):

     def apimas_roles(self):
Unauthenticated users

Requests by unauthenticated users are matched by the anonymous role in permission rules. Using anonymous roles you can make part of your API public. For example, the following rule allows anyone to create foo resources as long as foo is in an open state:

rule = ('foo', 'create', 'anonymous', '*', 'open', 'section 1.1')

APIMAS permissions – Fields

The ‘field’ column of a rule, corresponding to field, indicates which field(s) are allowed to be handled. For instance:

  • For a write-operation, only the fields defined in your rules are allowed to be written. Thus, if someone sent some data that are not validated against your rules, they would be ignored.
  • For a read-operation, only the fields defined in your rules can be accessed. The rest are not displayed to the client.

APIMAS permissions – States

States are matched if calling a class method on the model associated with the request returns true. There is a different method for checking a state for collection (list, create) versus resource requests. The names and signatures of the methods are as follows:

def check_collection_state_<state name>(cls, row, request, view):
    # your code. Return True or False.

def check_resource_state_<state name>(cls, obj, row, request, view):
    # your code. Return True or False.

For example, imagine you have the following permission rules:

rule = ('foo', 'create', 'anonymous', '*', 'open', 'section 1.1')
rule2 = ('foo', 'update', 'anonymous', 'number', 'submitted', 'section 1.1')

In the above example, in the case of an update operation, the methods listed below will be triggered to check if states ‘open’ or ‘submitted’ are satisfied:

  • check_state_collection_open()
  • check_state_resource_submitted()

If none of the states is matched, then an HTTP_403 error is returned. If only one state is matched, then the django-rest adapter checks which fields can be handled in this state, e.g. when the state is ‘open’, an anonymous user can set all fields, while when the state is ‘submitted’ only the field ‘number’ can be updated.

django-rest adapter predicates

Below, there is a list of the predicates introduced by the django-rest adapter along with their semantics.

Predicate Description

The parent node is a collection of resources of the same type, where each resource can be related to other resources, it is described by some data, and there are actions that can be performed on it. The parent node uses django-rest-framework backend.


model: String of the django-model corresponding to the storage representation of the collection.

authentication_classes: (optional) List of classes used for the authentication of the collection. More here.

permission_classes: (optional) List of the classes responsible for the permissions of the collection. More here.

mixins: (optional) List of the bases classes of the ViewSet class generated by django-rest adapter.

model_serializers: (optional) List of bases classes of the ApimasModelSerializer (class responsible when having model-fields) generated by django-rest adapter.

serializers: (optional) List of base classes of the ApimasSerializer (class responsible when having non-model fields) generated by django-rest adapter.

hook_class: (optional) A class which implements hooks before and after interacting with db for various actions. See more.


The parent node is a drf_field. In other words, it is an instance of a django-rest-framework field which is responsible for converting raw value of a field (sent by client) into complex data such as objects, querysets, etc.


onmodel: True if field has a storage representation, False otherwise (default: True).

source: Name of the storage representation of the field (Default is the name of the parent).

instance_source: A string which points to a function which retrieves the value of the field given the current instance (applicable if onmodel: False).